Platinum Air Care

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Do Air Purifiers work and should I invest in one?

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Platinum Air Care has been a leader in providing air purifiers to the Canadian market since 1999. If you have found yourself reading this article it should come as no surprise that we believe everyone should own a high-quality air purifier.

Indoor air pollutants and pollution in general, have been a growing topic of interest in recent years; and now most notably because of the COVID-19 virus. Indoor air articulates and pollutants have been shown to lead to many types of issues regarding inducing or aggravating breathing diseases. Air purifiers work and studies prove it everywhere you look, however, it’s the effectiveness of the specific product is what matters.

There are three main types of air purifiers:

HEPA Filters are the most commonly known type of filter. HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) is a pleated type filter (similar to your furnace filter) but constructed in a thicker way to block smaller particulate matter (PM) than a regular filter would. Most HEPA filters capture up to 99.97% of particulates. HEPA filters are disposable filters and need to be replaced every 1 to 3 years (or more often depending on the product).

Electronic Air Purifiers use an Electrostatic Precipitator Cell (or cell for short). A cell works by electrically charging the metal plates and wires to create a magnetic reaction that pulls dirty air particulates onto its precipitator plates. Cells are permanent filters and do not need to be replaced, only cleaned.

Ion Generators work by charging the particles in the room so they attract things more easily, essentially “making the dirty air heavier”. Ionic generators create ozone indirectly which is considered a lung irritant. We do not sell Ion Generators or Ozonators.

Regardless of the type, effective air purifiers use multiple technologies to create an effective combination. For example; the RPS 600S Portable Air Purifier combines 6-stages such as pre-filter (for capturing the larger particles first), the electronic cell, activated carbon filter or volatile organic compound (VOC) filter (for odors, gases, smoke, and more), ultra-violet UV light combined with a photocatalytic filter, and a negative ion generator as a finishing touch.

This combination of filters allows the RPS 600S to be 99.99% effective in capturing and/or destroying airborne particles, viruses, germs, smoke, and more.

The benefits of a high-quality air cleaner:

The most common praise we hear for our air purifiers is the relief from breathing ailment symptoms (such as allergies, asthma, bronchitis, emphysema, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD, and more). Others notice they have better sleeping habits or have finally got rid of an odor in their home they have had for years. Have you ever entered someone’s home or a business and notice how it carries a particular smell? With a high-quality air purifier, that smell is removed completely.

Now, why does a high-quality air purifier help with things like that? Inside the air we breathe carries with it particulates; these particulates are composed of things like bacterias, viruses, mold, allergens, pet hair, pet dander, chemicals, bioaerosols, nitrous oxides, smoke, and more. By removing indoor air pollutants and breathing clean air, our bodies are less likely to aggravate from things we may be sensitive to.

What air purifiers can filter:

The air in your home can be filled with any of the following:

  • Chemical Fumes (such as paint, gases, sprays, and other chemical agents)

  • Mold and Mildew

  • Synthetic Fabrics and Carpets

  • Carbon Monoxide

  • Construction Materials (Such as synthetic insulations)

  • Smoke (from any sources including cigarettes, cigars, vaping, marijuana, cooking, burning, etc)

  • Dust Mites

  • Household Cleaners

  • Pet Hair & Pet Dander

  • Lack of fresh air, stale air

Our Indoor Air Quality Products:

RPS 600S - Portable Air Purifier for use in any environment. Captures and destroys all types of particulates and viruses through the media filter, electronic cell, and ultra-violet UV light sterilization.

Platinum Carbon UV - Duct mounted Ultra-violet PCO system. Utilizes ultra-violet light in conjunction with specialty-made carbon to create a PCO reaction. Sterilizes germs, viruses, and odors. Does not capture particles.

Platinum TrueHEPA - Duct mounted HEPA system. Specialty-made HEPA filter and TFP (Turbulent Flow PRecipitation) filter maintains excellent CADR rating (Clean air delivery rate) without performance decay overextended 14-month trials. The Platinum TrueHEPA is designed to capture particles.

So should you invest in an air purifier?

Yes! Buying an air purifier improves the indoor air quality in your home and living space. They can reduce allergy symptoms in an entire home, or a single room. Just make sure you do thorough research on the air purifier you intend to buy, and understand that air filters need to be replaced to maintain efficient cleaning of the particles in the air.