Do you know what is in the air we breathe?

You can spend your whole day in your home, at school, and at work — all of which have the potential to be polluted with allergens and other harmful substances. With this in mind, it's important to take care of the air we breathe, and that's where Platinum Air Care comes in.


With a simple cough or sneeze

Viruses, bacteria, colds, and COVID-19 all become airborne and spread with a simple unfiltered sneeze.

Viruses spread & multiply

Under the right environment, viruses and bacteria grow, multiply, and/or mutate into a variant.



But what causes us to cough or sneeze?

Allergens & Pollen

Sickness, Colds or Flu


Pets, Pet Hair & Pet Dander

Indoor Air Quality (IAQ)

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the air inside our homes can be as much as 10 to 70 times more polluted than the air outside. After certain activities such as painting, the air can be up to 1,000 times worse

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Other sources of indoor air pollution include:


Tobacco Smoke, Vapes, Marijuana, Cooking Smoke, Burning


Household Chemicals & Cleaning Agents

Everyday cleaning supplies; either chemical or natural offload particulates - with some more harmful than others.

Cooking Fuels, Gases & Odors

The fuel burner is a major source of serious indoor air pollution, but even when it comes to the smell of bacon in the morning, cooking (fish, meat, vegetables, burning oils, etc) are breathable substances, and if burnt, they become carcinogens in the air.

Mold Spores

Mold spores are the microscopic, airborne, fungus-like reproductive structures of molds. Mold spores are able to float through the air, meaning that they have the potential to be found everywhere.


And so much more!

“More than 15,000 Canadians die each year as a result of poor air quality”

Air pollution affects our health

People who are exposed to air pollution are more likely to develop respiratory illness, asthma attacks, lung diseases, and other health problems. The World Health Organization has reported that approximately 7 million people die each year due to air pollution. Buildings we dwell in are often polluted by outdoor air infiltration through windows and doors or by the release of pollutants from building materials or other substances.

Many airborne substances are carcinogenic

Everyday materials such as paints, carpets, detergents, cleaning supplies, furniture, craft supplies, and so much more have and offload chemicals such as Benzene, Ammonia, Chloroform, Formaldehyde, Benzopyrene, and Hydrocarbons. Frequent breathing of these substances causes headaches, drowsiness, confusion, shortness of breath, irregular heartbeat, nasal congestion, sore throats, and can cause illnesses such as Bronchitis and even Cancer.

Why We Recommend Quality Air Purifiers

Our high-quality air purifiers are a cut above the rest. Generic, cheap, and low-quality air purifiers do not offer the same amount of performance, quality, form factor, and high cubic feet per minute (CFM), or air changes per hour (ACH). Low-quality air purifiers also tend to offload a plastic-like smell for a long period of time and do not offer immediate results.

Our powerful air purifiers not only improve indoor air quality but are designed and constructed with performance and quality in mind. With all of our air purifiers, you will notice an improvement in indoor air quality and odors in the long term and short term. Our products work against indoor air pollutants including smoke (tobacco, marijuana, vapes, etc), cooking smoke, and burning, as well as volatile organic compounds (VOCs), gases, dust mites, chemical fumes, synthetic materials, and so much more.

It doesn’t matter what kind of home or industry, we have the best air purification solutions for everyone.

Massage Rooms, Spas, Fitness Gyms, Sporting Arenas, Locker Rooms, Hair Salons, Nail Salons, Waiting Rooms, Lobbies, Restaurants, Repair Shops, Studios, and the list doesn’t stop.

We have over 22 years in the air purification business with over 22 years of satisfied customers.

Helping Over


Types Of Industries

With More Than


Years Of Air Purifier Experience

Air Purifiers (FAQ) - Frequently Asked Questions