To the fine people at Platinum Air Care

“Recently my husband and I purchased a RespirAide, and we are so happy with it's performance. We can't help ourselves from telling everyone we know about this wonderful machine. I have noticed such a difference in my children's health, and yes; we did cut down a bit on money!! My husband is extremely pleased in regards to that aspect, as well as the fact that we both enjoy entertaining in our home and with the machine there are no fowl odors throughout our residence anymore! It's so nice not smelling smoke for three days or more after our guests leave, like we were used to before. Within minutes of the cigarette being extinguished, you can't smell it! In addition, another point of interest is the fact the mold we had been getting in the shower surround seems to have stopped coming back.

Thank you again Platinum Air Care for such a great product!”

- Debbie P. from London Ontario


Dear Sir,


To Platinum Air Care - Thank you for improving my air