7-Stage Reverse Osmosis Replacement Filters (7QCRO) - ALL Filters #1 to 7

Sale Price:$529.95 Original Price:$569.95

This package includes all 7 filters for the Advanced Water Filtration System

Note that filters #1, 2 & 3 are the primary replacement filters which are guaranteed to last a minimum of 1 year or longer (life expectancy varies based on consumption).

Filters 4 to 7 typically last 3-5 years depending on usage.

The included filters are:

Stage 1: Sediment Filter - Reduces suspended particles in the water such as dirt or sediments

Stage 2: Granular Activated Carbon Filter - Reduces chlorine, chloramines, and other water treatment plant by-products

Stage 3: Carbon Block - Reduces herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides in the water

Stage 4: Thin-Film Composite (TFC) RO Membrane Filter - Reduces Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), heavy metals, germs, and tiny impurities from the water

Stage 5: Ceramic Filter - Reduces 99% ecoli bacteria and salmonella from the water

Stage 6: Re-Mineralizing Filter - Healthy organic minerals are added leaving the water pH balanced

Stage 7: Carbon Block Filter - Reduces and absorbs odors, leaving the water with a fresh clean taste

For more information on the Advanced 7-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System (7QCRO) - Click Here

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This package includes all 7 filters for the Advanced Water Filtration System

Note that filters #1, 2 & 3 are the primary replacement filters which are guaranteed to last a minimum of 1 year or longer (life expectancy varies based on consumption).

Filters 4 to 7 typically last 3-5 years depending on usage.

The included filters are:

Stage 1: Sediment Filter - Reduces suspended particles in the water such as dirt or sediments

Stage 2: Granular Activated Carbon Filter - Reduces chlorine, chloramines, and other water treatment plant by-products

Stage 3: Carbon Block - Reduces herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides in the water

Stage 4: Thin-Film Composite (TFC) RO Membrane Filter - Reduces Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), heavy metals, germs, and tiny impurities from the water

Stage 5: Ceramic Filter - Reduces 99% ecoli bacteria and salmonella from the water

Stage 6: Re-Mineralizing Filter - Healthy organic minerals are added leaving the water pH balanced

Stage 7: Carbon Block Filter - Reduces and absorbs odors, leaving the water with a fresh clean taste

For more information on the Advanced 7-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System (7QCRO) - Click Here

This package includes all 7 filters for the Advanced Water Filtration System

Note that filters #1, 2 & 3 are the primary replacement filters which are guaranteed to last a minimum of 1 year or longer (life expectancy varies based on consumption).

Filters 4 to 7 typically last 3-5 years depending on usage.

The included filters are:

Stage 1: Sediment Filter - Reduces suspended particles in the water such as dirt or sediments

Stage 2: Granular Activated Carbon Filter - Reduces chlorine, chloramines, and other water treatment plant by-products

Stage 3: Carbon Block - Reduces herbicides, pesticides, fertilizers, and insecticides in the water

Stage 4: Thin-Film Composite (TFC) RO Membrane Filter - Reduces Total Dissolved Solids (TDS), heavy metals, germs, and tiny impurities from the water

Stage 5: Ceramic Filter - Reduces 99% ecoli bacteria and salmonella from the water

Stage 6: Re-Mineralizing Filter - Healthy organic minerals are added leaving the water pH balanced

Stage 7: Carbon Block Filter - Reduces and absorbs odors, leaving the water with a fresh clean taste

For more information on the Advanced 7-Stage Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration System (7QCRO) - Click Here